Electronic Health Record refers to an electronic system used to store, view and manage a patient’s medical information. The Electronic Health Record replaces the traditional handwritten record used to store medical documents and information.
The Electronic Health Record includes information such as medical history, test results, medication prescriptions, hospital admissions, allergies and adverse reactions, vaccinations and other information about a person’s health. This information is only accessible by authorised persons, such as doctors and nurses, for the purpose of providing health care.
Electronic Health Records have many advantages over traditional health records. By using Electronic Health Records, doctors can access important information about a patient in real time, from anywhere and any device with an internet connection. This can help to provide faster and more efficient health care, as doctors have access to comprehensive information about patients’ medical history.
In addition, Electronic Health Records can help reduce medical misdiagnoses and adverse drug interactions, as physicians have access to more complete patient information. Electronic Health Records can also help to improve communication between different healthcare providers and contribute to more effective coordinated care for patients.
In summary, an Electronic Health Record is an electronic system used to store and manage a patient’s medical information and helps provide faster, more efficient and coordinated health care.