The National e-Health Authority is accepting applications for the filling of one (1) position (part-time or full-time) of Research Specialist to work for the needs of the research project entitled Xt-EHR as project manager, funded by the European Commission (EU4Health Project Grants). It is noted that one (1) man-month of full-time work equals 140 working hours.

Job details:

Research Specialist
No. Positions: One (1)
Category: part-time or full-time with a contract for a period of 12 months with the possibility of renewal.
Place of work: eHealth Authority offices or online.

Application Code: Xt-EHR-JA09


  • Candidates must hold a Degree from a Recognised University.
  • Proven ability and experience in managing national or European programmes.
  • Publications in high-impact scientific journals on eHealth or other related topics.
  • Very good knowledge of English.
  • Integrity of character, confidentiality, organisational ability, responsibility,


  • Conducting/participating in research projects from national and/or European funds.


The responsibilities and tasks to be performed by the recruited persons will be those related to the implementation, promotion and management of the actions of the European Xt-EHR project, including:

  • Participation and contribution to the dissemination and communication, evaluation and sustainability of the project results.
  • Synthesis and comparison of results from a pilot application.
  • Application of quality standards and quality control tools.
  • Participation in coordination and/or training meetings in Cyprus and


  • Support in the management of research and other funded projects.

The positions (part-time or full-time) are filled on a contract basis for a period of up to 12 months with the possibility of renewal. The minimum monthly gross remuneration is set at €2000.00 (based on 140 hours of work), and will vary up to the maximum monthly gross remuneration of €4000.00 (based on 140 hours of work), depending on experience and qualifications as well as the project work.
The employee’s contributions to the various State Funds as well as any Income Tax will be deducted from the above amounts. The contract does not provide for the payment of the 13th salary and private health care. It is noted that the employment contract requires physical presence on the premises of the Authority and/or on the premises of the Authority’s partners. Candidates do not have to be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

Interested parties are requested to submit the following:

  • Letter of interest for this post (1 page).
  • Full CV in Greek or English (including address and contact details)
  • Evidence of their qualifications and experience.
  • Names and details of at least two people from whom
    letters of recommendation can be requested.

Interested candidates are invited to submit the above documents marked Xt-EHR to by 06/02/2025.
For further information, interested candidates may contact Mr. Iraklis Kyriakidis (tel. 22436001 and email: ).
Applicants may be called for an oral interview to fill the above positions. Candidates will be informed by the entity by e-mail of the outcome of their application.